Domain Definition

MINT is an advertisement management tool, thus it needs CRUD access to the PlatformEnum in order to operate to the full extent. In order to manage such complexity we are using a three-like structure with depth of three: (Platform)Campaign, Ad Group and Ad.

  • (Platform)Campaign - is a top-level entity from the perspective of a Platform, it describes an entire advertising campaign that may happen across numerous channels (social media, search engines, etc.) over period of time;

  • Ad Group - Group of ads, created for whatever reason: similarity, target audience, region, channel etc;

  • Ad - is the leaf of ur three, basically the smallest unit that we can operate;

Each of this nodes is, to extent, self-sufficient, so these combinations are available for integration:

  • (Platform)Campaign - is more then enough to start working, as we can retrieve and set all the necessary data including budget distribution ad metrics;

  • (Platform)Campaign AND Ad Group - the same as (Platform)Campaign, but of greater detail and freedom when its comes down to budget distribution as we would be able to target particular Ad Group;

  • (Platform)Campaign AND Ad Group AND Ad - same as the previous two, but now we can go with the details as far as the Ad itself.

Of course, for the benefit of our customers the greater detail - the better, as it is would allow for greater precision and flexibility when it comes down to resource distribution and KPI monitoring;